Saturday, October 16, 2010

My skunking is over!

After having a really productive spring and summer, my luck had sort of fizzled out the past month or two.

But with one glass rod that I already had and another one on the way from ebay, I bought an a new Medalist 1492 because I heard that a 6-7 wt line will really give a glass rod it's feel.

And like a kid with a dollar in his pocket, I was twitching like a goat with an itch to get out and use it.

So I set out today with the new reel, the old rod, and two kids in tow.

By the time we got to the spot, the breeze had picked up a bit. When I went to open the car door I had to place my foot on the ground and lean against the door to get it open all the way. A little breezy.

We walk down to the pool beneath the dam and I set up. I handed my camera to my 10 year old stepdaughter and told her to keep an eye on the 3 year old. They set off to take some pics and I go down to the pool to fish.

Due to the stiff breeze I go to work out my double haul quite a bit.  I've never been able to manage a decent double haul, but today the chips seemed to fall in my favor.

I was fishing one of my Black Bertha's; mainly because it was one of two weighted flies in my box and I forgot my shot at home.  The water was murky, so the dark color fly came out.

I was casting for about 20 minutes when I looked back and both the girls looked like the were freezing to death. Coats pulled over there heads and everything. Now I've seen these kids try to run out in the middle of winter with no jackets on, so I thought that the odds of survival were in their favor, but I still told myself a few more cast and that was it.

I cast and started to strip the line back in when I see a flash just behind my fly. I do another strip and there is that tell-tale weight on the end of the line.

"Bring the camera," I yelled up to my step daughter and I reel frantically.

Soon after I landed her and tried to place it next to my rod for a measurement reference. It hopped just before I snapped the pic, but you get the idea.

Well, at least my skunk streak is over. :)

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