Thursday, February 10, 2011

Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show - Recap

I just got back from the Easter Sports and Outdoor show. I must say that it was purdy nice. It was hosted up at the PA Farm Show Complex, which in and of itself was interesting, given some of the.... decorations.

We arrived there a little later than I had wanted to (my three year old daughter was with. Ever try to leave the house on time with a three year old? 'Nuff said) and traversed the off site parking lot that must double as a skating rink. But a quick 5 minute walk after that and we were there.

I really lucked out because the section that I entered was the fishing section, the one that I really came to see (this will be important later.) After making a quick pit stop and letting my daughter look at the boats, the only part that she was excited to see, we started to work the room.

One of the first things, right by the door, was a kid's Trout Pond. You paid a couple bucks, the kid gets a cane pole and then you get X amount of time to catch a trout this is no doubt spooked out of it's mind. Sounds like fun. My daughter waffled a little on if she wanted to try, but finally decided no.

We wandered a bit more and caught the end of the Fly Fishing demo by Dusty Wissmath. It was a demo on the roll and basic casts, but any publicity for the sport is a good thing.

There were only two fly fishing outfitters present, E. Hille Anglers Supply House and Shu-Fly Tackle and Fly shop. I made sure to stop by both to say hello and pick up a few materials.

We worked out way through the stalls and entered the lobby, where there were taxidermy exhibitors. This stuff has always facinated me, and I perused a bit long, because soon my daughter was tugging my hand to go up the stairs. (Not that she wanted to see anything up them, she just loves going on escalators. She gets that from her mother. )

We get upstairs and down the ramp and it was then that she decided to want to go home. I know I was slowly working on borrowed time, so I walked an aisle rather quickly. By then she was much more insistent, so I thought to call it a day. Luckily I saw the exhibit that I really wanted to, so I figured this was ending on a high note.

All told, I count the trip as a success and am already gearing up for next weeks trip to the Philly show.

A few more pics from the event.

We have one of these?

My daughter petting a "cow." She wasn't very happy Daddy was taking a picture. 

Not sure who this guy is, but he was touting the Bass Pro Shop's answer to Gulp! lures. I just wondered if it was necessary to put the motor on that 1/4 section of boat...?

The days plunder!

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