Friday, June 3, 2011

More things to do that I know what to do with

It appears that I have my work cut out for me. I downloaded the Freshwater Flyfishing Tips from the Pros app that I won from Windknots and Tangled lines, I have a couple dozen flies coming from Brian over at the Fishing Journal, and yesterday I received my Fishpond chest pack that I plan to review, along with a couple other products that I haven't done more than glance at.  And I want to take my kids fishing this weekend.

And yes, I know. I said I did not have an iPad or an iPod or any other iJunk. So how am I reviewing the app, you ask. Well, through serious pondering, zen-like meditation, praying and consulting the magic 8-ball, it became apparent that I was in dire need of an iPad. And by that I mean I wanted one.

It's more convenient for casual surfing the net (people still "surf the net", right???) I'm also a web designer, so having something that runs on iOS (the operating system of the iPhone and other what's-it's) is something very convenient to have.

I've had it about a week and, without getting all nerdy on you, it's pretty friggin sweet. The only thing that irritates me is that on the Blogger Dashboard, for some reason I can't scroll through my blogroll.

But anywho...... what was I talking about..... Oh, yea. Fishing.

So keep an eye open for a brief pause and then a flurry of activity here at Flyfishinado. So if you don't hear from me, have a good weekend, stay safe and cool (or wet or warm or whatever is your fancy) and I'll see ya next week.


  1. Thanks Anthony! I'm really looking forward to the review of the app. Have a good time with the boys.

  2. Correction: girls. This house is like a sea of estrogen; to fight back I'm trying to ruin them as much as possible.

  3. We are having our nicest day of the year so far today...time to get out and enjoy! Ha...Blogger can't do something for you??? Imagine that. : )

  4. Well RD, I hope you had a chance to get out and enjoy; I was stuck at work. :(

  5. Have fun taking the girls out fishing and good luck. Glad to hear the Ipad is sweet. Maybe I'll have to break down and get one:)

  6. Thanks TM. You should look into them, it's proven to be pretty convenient. And that dirty feeling of buy an Apple wears off after a few days.
