Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Going Viral with

I guess since this is a blog on the internet, I'm already viral. But I'm getting even more viral-er, without needing $10 or a darkened alley.

I've been selected to be the Harrisburg Travel Outdoor Examiner for I'll be writing about local outdoors destinations, as well as news, tips, et cetera.

What does that mean for Flyfishinado? Nothing. This blog is a personal fly fishing blog, while the articles will be more general outdoors topics in nature, covering hiking, rafting, what have you. Flyfishinado will stay fly fishing-centric. The only difference that might happen is that non-fly fishing gear reviews will be posted there instead of here (earth shattering, I know.)

When we have everything up and running, I will post links to my articles. I hope that you will take the time to read me there as well as here, I really appreciate everyone's readership in this little experiment that somehow got completely out of hand (in a very good way.)


  1. Cool & congrats. A couple other bloggers write for their local versions of the Examiner; I always enjoy reading their articles when they reference them. Certain will enjoy yours as well.

  2. Anthony are you in Denver? Cool gig. I hope Jay from Naturalists Angle will comment. He writes for the Memphis Examiner.

  3. Thanks guys. If by Denver you mean Denver PA, I'm about 30 minutes from there.....ha! I'm just north of Philadelphia.

  4. I knew that! I was thrown off when I clicked on the Examiner link and it took me to Denver, Co. Good luck...

  5. Took me a while too. I kept going to the Philly one instead of the Harrisburg one.
